Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.
About My Classes
My classes are designed for all ages and levels of fitness and are great for people new to yoga too. My classes are friendly and welcoming to anyone that attends, regardless of age, ability and experience. I teach beginners and mixed ability classes, 1-2-1 private sessions as well as small group classes and even classes at your workplace.
The classes include asana (posture work - static, flowing and restorative); pranayama (breathing exercises); pawanmuktasana (exercises to ease joints); mudras (power hand gestures said to stimulate the flow of prana (life force or energy) throughout the body, and aimed to quiet the mind through meditation or in asana); meditation; relaxation and yoga nidra.
All of the poses can be modified to suit any physical limitations that you may have or, according to your own ability, and you can choose which modification suits you best. We use blocks, blankets, yoga straps and even a chair.
I will guide you how to get into and out of each posture and I will teach you how body and mind are linked. You will be encouraged to take time, with the aim of releasing stress and tension from the body and to take a moment to become completely present in the moment, to bring mind and body to a place of serenity. Bliss!
My classes last for 1 hour and 15 minutes. The sequences co-ordinate breath to movement, concentration, balance, alignment, and releasing tension in the body. We will do a gentle warm up to mobilize our joints and muscles so that are ready for our practice.
We will explore a sequence of yoga poses, (which sometimes will be based on a theme such as the elements or the chakras), gently stretching and strengthening our muscles. Occasionally I may share yoga philosophy, which may invoke a deeper understanding of mind, body and spirit and aimed to help find a sense of peace and balance in our daily lives.
Are you ready to begin your yoga journey?
You learn to focus on your posture by stretching muscles and aligning the body.
Life Balance
Yoga helps you to become self- aware and learn to live in the moment.
Breathe a New You
My yoga classes incorporate breath work, improving lung capacity, encouraging a focused mind and positive mind-set.
Relieve Stress
Yoga helps you relieve stress by helping you relax, slow the breath and quieten the mind. When the mind is quiet, you learn to cultivate a fulfilled approach to your intentions.
Increasing Strength and Flexibility
Yoga poses use all the muscles in the body, helping increase your strength and flexibility and also, relieve tension in the body.