Purple Dew Drops

The Amazing Benefits to Meditation

Meditation has been with us for so many thousands of years, and the fact that people still practice meditation today speaks for itself.  

Some of the benefits of meditation are that it gives us a sense of calmness and inner peace. Stress can be alleviated and we become centred and grounded, as we learn to remain in the present moment.  Meditation helps us manage stress levels and release any negative feelings that we are holding on to and which no longer serve us. We begin to feel stronger and more positive in our outlook in life. Our breath becomes calm and this has a positive influence on our mind. We release tension in our mind as well as our body and we also sleep better. And that's just a few of the benefits!

There are many different types and techniques to meditation: guided visualisations, mantra meditation, chanting meditations and so much more.  Each method can include techniques to help your meditation experience, such as focusing on an object or image to help free our mind from distractions; pranayama - using our breath to centre our mind and body.  Breathing deeply and slowly and when our mind wanders, gently return our focus to our breathing; asanas (yoga postures) to help us sit comfortably in meditation and finding our own sacred meditation space.

Meditation is one of the most important and beneficial practices that I have in my life. It has helped me become much calmer, more peaceful, more appreciative of all that I have in life. And mostly, it has helped me understand my own mind, my thoughts, my reactions.  Instead of being reactive to the world around me, I am able to make better choices and this has allowed me to live more peacefully and calmly.

So, I would really recommend that you all try a little meditation.  I'm not saying it will be easy and its definitely not something that you learn once, and that's it you've got it. Everyday is different - it's a practice which will get easier the more you meditate.  And soon enough, you reap the rewards.  Don't worry if you think you can't meditate - everyone can meditate. It's just a case of finding the type of meditation that suits you. You can start your practice slowly so that you feel comfortable and as your confidence increases, you can begin to include a meditation practice into your life.  Happy Meditating!

Posted by Feride
1 day 5 hours ago