Understanding Chakras

Ancient Eastern wisdom, over many thousands of years, has valued and respected chakra systems and how they regulate the energy that flows through our body. When you work with chakras, you will see the change in yourself in a profound and meaningful way.

What are Chakras? ‘Chakra’ is a Sanskrit word which means ‘wheel’ or ‘cycle’ and in today’s terms, chakras are considered to be discs of energy that play a vital role in our spiritual, physical, mental and emotional well-being. There are 7 main chakras that are located from the base of the spine to the crown of the head but you cannot see them. They are ‘energy centres’ of the subtle body –the layers of our being, beyond the physical body. Chakras are thought to provide subtle energy that helps your organs, mind, and intellect work at their best level.

On this introductory course to ‘Understanding Chakras, we will learn about the 7 main chakras, how to balance your chakras, the inter-relationship between chakras and how they can help you towards a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

To function at their optimum level, your chakras need to stay balanced. If negative energy remains in your body, you may experience physical or emotional symptoms related to a particular chakra.

When your energy flows smoothly through your chakras, you tend to look after yourself better, your self-confidence grows, and you can communicate your thoughts and feelings. Your intuition is enhanced and you become naturally more focused, enabling you to deal with everyday life more easily.

Benefits of Chakra Balancing
  • Increased self-confidence, self-esteem and self-love
  • Focused concentration and awareness
  • Feeling more positive to the self and toward others
  • Better sleeping patters
  • Understanding your emotions
  • Understanding how to heal mental, physical, spiritual and emotional issues
  • Improved overall health and well-being
  • And much more...
The Session Includes
  • Opening the Session by Centering and Breathwork to settle the mind and body
  • 7 main chakras and their associated colours and symbols
  • How each chakra relates to our organs
  • Common issues associated with imbalanced chakras
  • Tips on how to balance your chakras, including meditation, nature, food and use of colour
  • Practical Exercise: Grounding and Protection with a Guided Chakra Visualisation
  • Practical Exercise to Close the Session: Cleansing

The workshop is suitable for beginners as well as those familiar with chakras.

You don’t need to bring anything to the session except yourself and an intention to benefit from and enjoy the practice. We will all be seated and fully clothed. You will be asked to complete a small health questionnaire before the session.

Please join me on this amazing journey to Understanding Chakras.


Please call for venue details.

Understanding Chakras
Level I Workshop

On this introductory course to ‘Understanding Chakras’, we will learn about the 7 main chakras, how to balance your chakras, the inter-relationship between chakras and how they can help you towards a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

Course Information
When TBC
Time 10:00pm – 1:00pm
Group £60.00 (6 max)
One-to-One £80.00

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