
Listen to the Whispers of Your Soul

Can you relate to this? How many times have we heard our inner voice, that tiny voice of inner wisdom, speaking only to us and yet, we ignore it?  We carry on, without energy, without passion, missing out on what our soul wishes us to embrace, trying to cope with the ups and downs of our life, feeling disconnected.

So, what happens? Our inner voice keeps calling and calling. Gently at first, but getting louder and louder until one day, we need to stop, quieten our mind and listen. When we listen, we begin to align our life to our soul purpose, and we begin to experience the wonderful life that is our real journey. Our soul is asking us to embrace our innate ability to heal and awaken our journey towards self-development and transformation.

Being still, being present allows our soul to connect with our mind. Deep breathing exercises (pranayama), meditation, even just taking a moment to connect to the now, all helps our inner wisdom to shine through.

Journaling is also a good way to understand your inner self. See what comes through in your writing. It doesn't have to be an essay.

When you open your heart to giving and receiving love, your soul senses that feeling of unconditional love, not just for others but for yourself too. Forgiveness, compassion and gratitude are great companions.

We've often heard of the term 'raise your vibration'. But what does this really mean? Connecting your soul to a higher power, the Divine, angels, love, reiki, crystal healing...Whatever you need to release any residual unwanted energies that you are holding on to, is unique to you and it will enable you to hear your own soul whispers.

Coming back to where we started, being still, quiet the mind, meditate, energy healing, focusing on our inner being, all leads us to raise our vibrations. Being mindful in everything we do. De-clutter, exercise, eat healthily. It does take practice, it is not easy to begin, but once you start your journey, you begin to embrace your true self.

Feel free to contact me if you want to know more.

Listen to your soul whispers and allow yourself to live the wonderful life you deserve...

Posted by Feride
11 months 2 weeks ago